I am giving myself a very big pat on the back this week! Not only have I completed my Level 4 in Sports massage therapy, there has also been some further good news in the Cope household.
It has been a very busy few months for me studying for my level 4, but this has increased both my knowledge and skill set enabling me to help treat various ailments.
As part of the course, we have studied in more detail the joints, muscles and connective tissues. These have included the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, wrist, elbow, vertebrae and neck. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning on this course and understanding in more depth how the musculoskeletal system works together and if problems arise how this can cause imbalances and difficulty with movement.
I feel very proud of my achievement. The learning doesn’t stop there! Throughout March I am planning to attend a course on manual Lymphatic drainage and scar tissue management. I feel this, along with my sports massage will help me to treat people following an injury or surgery.

This week has been full of good news. I have been matched with a new guide dog! Her name is Sally. She is a black Labrador crossed with a Golden Retriever. Training begins on 6th March so look out for the dynamic duo! I will keep you all posted as to our progress.
WATCH: Agility services- hot and cold stones